October Morn; an awakening

October Morn; an awakening

Like a gentle nudge from a sleepy lover, twilight awakened me in the predawn of this beautiful early autumnal morn. I rose and walked through the darkened cabin, and opened the door slowly, not wanting to startle the deer that likely were nearby.

A light fog had gathered in the valley below my lofty perch and clouds filled much of the sky. Through a break in the overcast, a waning crescent Moon smiled upon me, casting her light in broken beams upon the landscape. Higher still, Jupiter sat on his mighty throne, soon to be obscured by the gathering mist.

With sunrise still more than a half-hour hence, a subtle luminance painted the countryside. Colors began to emerge, with the green of the trees and the grass, and red, white and gray dominating the sky. And yes! The much-anticipated fall foliage is becoming discernible in the growing light.

This time, I mused, solace is welcome, a companion riding high with me on a rural hilltop.

I felt delighted, as though my soul had been reborn from the ashes of melancholy. Loneliness now is not the enemy, rather a pleasant friend, guiding me on a journey of discovery. 


  1. Truely put me in a better place! I always envied your cabin. To have a place out in the woods, away from the hustle and bustle. I found that peace when hiking and camping in the woods. I found that it is always good to have someone along, but there were times that being there by myself was all that was needed. Rain pounding on my tent, listening to birds chirping all around me and watching deer grazing as I walked past them, I miss those days. Thankfully, they are still in my memory and, thankfully in writings such as this!


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