A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life Rodney Dangerfield. Now there was a venerable comedian I could understand. Specifically, one of his popular jokes really hit home with me, and it has special meaning today. More than most days. Rodney said, approximately: “When I got up this morning, I picked up my shirt, and a button fell off. I picked up my briefcase, and the handle fell off. I’m afraid to go to the bathroom!" So, while I'm chuckling about things and, in a tip of my cap to Rodney, I’ll share my day with you. So far. It’s not 3 o’clock yet (as I write this). Don't be scared. Come along! Today I … Took the dog for a walk before sunrise. While I was stopped and talking with a neighbor, I was bitten — by one of Florida’s nasty bugs. And why not? I mean, it’s February, right? Bugs should be everywhere. The bite on the back of my left leg was itchy for hours. I hope there’s no swelling. Stepped on a roofing nail outside. It was huge, rusty, and it embedded itself in my shoe. It did not pierc...