Astonishing Blindness

America gets Trumped . . .

Incumbent President Gerald Ford was defeated in the 1976 election by Jimmy Carter. I was 23 years old. That likely was the first time I voted, and my candidate won.

I have voted in every presidential election since – some of my candidates lost, some of them won, most notably Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

Like so many Americans, I was appalled at the results of the 2000 election, the “hanging chads” debacle in my current state of residence, Florida. Often called Flori-DUH.  The National Constitution Center said of the tight contest: “The Supreme Court ended a Florida vote recount in the presidential election contest between George W. Bush and Al Gore. The Court’s decision remains debated today.”

That unsettling decision handed George W. Bush Florida's electoral votes by a margin of only 537 popular votes out of almost 6 million cast (0.009 percent) and, as a result, he became the president-elect, besting Al Gore.

Unsettling? Perhaps that is too mild.

Yet it does not compare with the vomit that spewed forth on Nov. 5, 2024.

If you voted for Donald Trump for president, you have handed the most powerful office on the planet to the most evil man to ever walk in the hallowed halls of the White House. Don't believe it?

Just wait and see. 

Better get your vaccinations now. Pray that your daughters' or granddaughters’ pregnancies are normal. Do what you can to support your gay family and friends. Kiss the environment goodbye.

When he pulls the United States out of NATO and drops all aid to Ukraine, Putin and his Russian troops will overrun that country. And why stop there? They'll hit my beloved Poland next and, because that's a NATO nation, World War III will begin.

Likely with nukes. Stay tuned.

Oh! He incited a mob to attack the U.S. Capitol in his attempt to overturn the election he lost legitimately in 2020. Remember?

Trump is a convicted felon and rapist. He was impeached twice in his first term. 

You’ve given him control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Yes, the Supreme Court. OMG.

There's so much more. But you'll think you're safe because he'll say he'll be closing the border and lowering grocery prices.

Yeah, right.

Good God, people, are you that blind?


I hope you’re prepared for hell on Earth. You asked for it.


  1. Here! Here! Pete! You've said what we're in for now. It's almost impossible to list his past offenses. His 1st term was beyond insane and illegal. He was sued 4,000 times in his personal life before the 2016 election. I cannot believe America is this dumb. And vindictive. And selfish. In 2024. WTF? (my new slogan)

  2. My exact thoughts, thank you!!!


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