Much ado about Halloween

While so many are hell-bent on celebrating Halloween, I am sequestering myself into my bah-humbug vision of this annual spooktacular. You see, I've never met a ghost. I've never seen a werewolf, nor a witch on a broomstick, and I wouldn't know a hobgoblin if I tripped over one. What's unlucky about a black cat anyway? And I don't need to get dressed up like a monster (I pretty much look that part – right, Chewbacca?). So why all the fuss? Let me be clear with my mild critique. It's not that I'm wishing any bad luck befall on revelers. Have your fun celebrating the dead and their dark and dank domain! It's just that this so-called holiday either has lost its appeal to me over the years, or it had little from the start. Yet to be completely honest and upon further review: Perhaps there was a slight attraction. Some. In rather small but odd ways, for sure. Beyond the ubiquitous trick-or-treating in which we kids collected too much candy (that created su...